I discovered the hard way that if you tolerate one addiction in your partner, you will inadvertently give them permission for another. My alcoholic EX-boyfriend would finally go off his drinking binge, only to return to liquor stores because they also sold lottery tickets. Our relationship deteriorated when I realized he had an intention of relying on MY finances for either or both addictions. He stood outside and called me to bring down money for the taxi driver, because his cash was long gone. My account went over limit because he told the hotel clerk to just charge another drink to our hotel room. The final straw: he assumed I would come to the courthouse to pay his bail after an arrest for assault and battery, also related to alcohol.

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glad he's an ex boyfriend

we need to protect ourselves

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Thoughts on GLP1 drugs for gambling addiction.

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that will be interesting; increasing data for alcohol and even opioids, but not quite ready for showtime yet... (I think it will be before too long..)

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