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I'd like to share my experience with Ozempic and Methamphetamine addiction (chronic IV use over 16+ years).

My dopamine system is so burnt out that meth doesn’t create euphoria—it just makes me feel normal enough to function. At the same time, years of stimulant use have wrecked my metabolism, adrenal system, and hormone regulation, especially cortisol, insulin, and thyroid function. Instead of the appetite suppression people expect, I have a normal, healthy appetite, and my metabolism has slowed down dramatically. So, instead of losing weight, my body is holding onto every calorie while I struggle with extreme fatigue, insulin resistance, and a completely dysregulated stress response. Meth doesn’t “work” the way it used to—it’s just keeping me from crashing.

So I tried Ozempic. It was the worst week of my life! I couldn't keep anything down, not so much as a sip of water, for 7 days. So addict-logic says: if you feel like crap, have a shot, drugs will make you feel better! It didn't! The moment I used, I felt lightheaded instantly, vomiting increased violently and I felt completely disorientated for approximately 15 minutes. Addict-logic says: that was a fluke. Try again, drugs WILL make you feel better... I tried 5 times during those 7 days. I never felt any better.

This could be an interesting area for future research perhaps?

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